Saturday, April 08, 2006

cathedral reflection

This is a reflection of La Segrada Familia in a pond across the street from it. After going here I had the song, "By the Cathedral" by Keren Ann in my head all day. "Darlin, I will remember, Darlin. I've been mellow and tender; I've seen water - by the cathedral under the maple; it was in April...." Well it was the end of March. The thing is I could only remember "by the cathedral..." Then I listened to it later.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Rock and mosaic

Also taken in Parc Güell.

This is part of a bench...pretty much the only section that was not littered with garbage or people.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Park Window

This was a window at Park Güell. In it you see a fountain and another building reflected. What an amazing park! I am not sure if I spelled the title correctly or not. As you will see in the next few posts, the quality, clarity and vibrance of my pictures is quite disappointing once I scan them in and then post them here. Oh well. I have the prints and they are ok. Barcelona was so pretty!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

snow and newspaper

I took this one on the way back to Mike's place from the Walker. If you think soggy trash is pretty... Well, I liked the partially snow-covered newspaper and the footprint. Sabine noticed that part of the footprint and the melted portion of snow around the paper look like a heart. I see it now too. It wasn't planned and I'm not sure if I like that or think it is corny. Below is a heart I made with an icicle ... that I planned, and yes it is silly.